Using the highest quality ingredients, we are able to create unique, high quality products that simply, work!

A Better Way

Crescent Deru, was a master potter, a weaver and a textile artist.  A brilliant artist through and through, she taught ceramics at Weber State University. Her hands, which were constantly in mud and water, became extraordinarily dry.  Her hands became so dry that they would crack to the point of bleeding. Crescent needed a solution that would truly heal her hands. She needed something that would really work. After trying many commercial cremes and lotions to no avail, Crescent, being the creative person that she was, decided to make her own formula. After many failed attempts, she crafted a formula that healed her hands and allowed her to work long hours with her hands in mud and clay.

Crescent’s daughter, Carol Jean Ortega has been a resident of Plain City Utah for over 50 years. She taught elementary school for thirty years and has been retired since 1999.  Just before Carol retired, Her daughter called and asked if she still had “Grandma’s” old formula for hand créme because her hands were dry and cracked.” She said that she had tried various commercial products, but nothing was working.  She remembered how good grandma Crescent’s hand créme had been, and after some time searching Carol found the recipe on a 3×5 card in Crescent’s original handwriting.

As luck would have it, a visiting friend was also having problems with severely dry skin. Carol shared some of Crescent’s créme with her. The créme did like it was created to do and healed her hands, and her friend fell in love.  The two collaborated and decided that the world should have access to this amazing créme, and a business soon followed.  Generations later, Carol, and her grandchildren are at the helm. The grandchildren share a vision and a dream.  Their goal is to spread the word about these superior products and share them with the world.

Crescent’s creativity and determination set a tone that still rings true in our company today.  There is always a better way of doing something and at Crescent’s Bath and Body, we have found a better way.  By eliminating commercial additives like petroleum and formaldehyde, and using the highest quality ingredients, we are able to create unique, high quality products that simply, work!